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Personal Improvement - A Broad Perspective

Posted on December 12, 2022 by Victor Sander

The majority of us have heard the term personal advancement, but what does it truly mean to us?

Reference for this term appears to be confined to variables pertaining to such subjective terms as, emotions, success, mind, goal setting, health, and other similar words; but not much is said about other elements which help to bring about positive growth in someone's life.

I say'positive' development because I have to stress the difference in the meaning of the words advancement and development. Both of these words aren't really synonymous and can't usually be used interchangeably. Something can develop from a fantastic state into a poor one, or by a terrible state to a great one; whereas nothing could ever improve from bad to worse!

At this point I must mention that there's also a difference between the terms self improvement and personal advancement. Self improvement is enhancing your self; for example, your health, appearance, education, and such like; whereas private advancement goes deeper than that. It embodies all self improvement in addition to benefits gained from your own personal possessions, possessions, and participation which contribute to your wellbeing and upliftment, thereby enhancing your personal life.

While private improvement can be defined by the abstract words mentioned previously, and others such as, anxiety, inspiration, education, time management, to mention a couple more, I see it from a wider perspective.

According to the Dictionary, the adjective'private' means"concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and character"; and the term 'improvement' means"a change for the better."

In the foregoing, when these two words are placed together, they could only signify the impact that anything has on someone's life and character in a positive way; Quite simply, the term covers anything under the sun that could impact someone in order to cause a change for the better in that individual's life. Hence, I believe that the meaning additionally encompasses your livelihood, possessions, experiences, surroundings, lifestyle, activities, and the other areas in which you might be involved; for, provided that you have the ability to attach a personal possessive adjective such as'my' appropriately to whatever, possession is suggested; that thing becomes personal to you and a measure of benefit is, or might be, based.

One may ask,"What does my work at home business, real estate, or electronic equipment, etc., have to do with my personal advancement?" Consider It. Do you expect to enhance your lifestyle by becoming involved in any of them or any other company for that matter? If you do, then you do expect some gain or personal advantage for your efforts. You work, obtain money, buy whatever you wish - perhaps a place of home - and supply it with whatever you want so you might enjoy the benefits of your labour.

Now, can that land have the experience of being possessed by you or anybody else? It can't care who lives inside, if you pay for it or not, while it's equipped with electricity, whether it's a roof or floor; it can't enjoy the good things of life; it's never sad or happy. Why? Because it's inanimate, it does not have any life; thus, it doesn't have emotions. Who becomes emotional? You, of course! These things affect you personally.

When I sent you a private letter, it might have nothing to do with your physical self, but it might have to do with your financing; therefore it's indeed personal; it doesn't make a difference in your entire body, but it certainly could impact your mind positively or negatively. I guess that by now you've the point. No?

Have a Look at technology and science. Can you classify them under private improvement? Maybe not. Now, think about it: Nothing can be achieved by man without human participation - hence, personal participation. The beginning and continuance of each venture is wholly dependent on the ability and ability of individuals. Even after being put into operation, technology cannot be fully functional without individuals and it's all for the sake of the human race.

God has given humanity dominion over everything on earth, so long as we have life, everything in this world affects us directly or indirectly in certain small or fantastic way for good (or bad because of sin).

Obviously that from creation, people are involved in every aspect of life no matter of what category. The gain in knowledge throughout the ages has always been for the advancement and benefit of humankind. Individual resource or workforce is an integral ingredient for the progress and advancement of any enterprise. There may be no human resources without personal involvement.

Who've benefited from all of the inventions throughout the ages? Must I elaborate? I truly do not think it's essential.

An employer takes into account, particular characters of the worker - customs, abilities, integrity, experience, education, ability, possible (as far as the progress of the employer's business is concerned).

The employer is interested in what the employee can contribute to the marketing of the company as well as for his (the employer's) improvement. Why do you believe an employer likes to engage somebody with a fantastic skill, learning and education? Equipment and technology can't raise the standard of a company unless there is human involvement.

Who gets the benefit from the benefit of a business? Is it the company or its owner? All of us know that a business can't invest money; so when it's said that the profit is owned by the company (What a'laff'!) , that's only a front! When that company makes a profit or loss, a human being is either sad or happy.

Anything that you're involved with, be it your automobile or your job, provided that you can gain some type of benefit, it enriches your life. Yes, you can achieve personal advancement from your possessions and participation.