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Tag: ability

Articles tagged as Ability

Art of Conversaton Made Easy

Posted on October 18, 2023 by Victor Sander
The art of conversation comes so easily for some, but also for others this is a real struggle.Learning ways to get past those ideas that stand in the right path are the first rung on the ladder to learning the art of communication.There are three common explanations why people have a tendency to feel uncomfortable about conversation.The list following explains these reasons and how exactly to overcome them so that you can be considered a master of conversation...

Personal Improvement - A Broad Perspective

Posted on September 12, 2022 by Victor Sander
The majority of us have heard the term personal advancement, but what does it truly mean to us?Reference for this term appears to be confined to variables pertaining to such subjective terms as, emotions, success, mind, goal setting, health, and other similar words; but not much is said about other elements which help to bring about positive growth in someone's life.I say'positive' development because I have to stress the difference in the meaning of the words advancement and development...

Seven Ways to Be Smart

Posted on April 11, 2022 by Victor Sander
Imagine for a moment that you lived in a world where only people who were very skilled at musical ability were regarded as valuable.And in this world, only those folks who were musically gifted were thought of as intelligent.Everyone who did not have musical ability was thought of as slow-witted and intellectually inferior.In this imaginary world, just those men and women who were the best singers, composers, and instrumentalists could run for the office of president, or enter the upper levels of any company...