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Tag: using

Articles tagged as Using

Identifing Narcissistic People Early

Posted on March 27, 2023 by Victor Sander
Narcissistic women and men are so self centered and self indulgent they see friends and lovers as mere extensions of themselves.They're enthusiastic about flattery and demand to be adored and also have focus on themselves all the time.Unfortunately, these narcissistic types have become seductive and you'll initially be drawn to them without realizing everything you are stepping into.Because their egos are so very fragile, they constantly crave attention which eventually puts their partner vulnerable to being on the losing end of the partnership...

Using Your Intuition to Help Self Improvement

Posted on September 19, 2021 by Victor Sander
Following our instincts and using our intuition may be among the most valuable of resources for self improvement and success.Everybody has hunches, ideas, insights or flashes of inspiration that we can not explain and have no idea where they come from.We might be stuck or bogged down with something that we simply can not work out how to take care of.We might have weighed up all the details and don't know what to do...